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The Importance on lighting in your home

Lighting definitely makes a house as it adds warmth, a cosy welcoming atmosphere and a bit of drama.

What lighting does to a home is, it showcases the best parts of your home. Every individual home has something to showcase, whether its a beautiful painting,fine furniture pieces, pannelling, stylish appliances or decor items. The lighting in your home makes it possible to show these most important elements of interior design in the best possible way.

Each room in your home requires different lighting requirements so no space deserves to be dull or boring. I would definitely recommend to be bold, creative and give your space lots of light so its lit to perfection.

What does lighting do to a space?

Lighting Provides Feeling of Spaciousness

Lighting makes it possible to create more harmony in your home. Lighting brings brightness, decorates living spaces and makes even the smallest rooms in your house look bigger and more spacious.

Lighting Provides Warmth that Homeowners Need

Lamps and lights make a warm effect on people. So, you’ll manage to create a warm atmosphere in your home if you place lamps and lights in the right places. It goes without saying that good lighting will provide you, your family members as well as your friends and guests with the feeling of warmth.

Colour Management in Home Decor

Colour is also important to consider when it comes to lighting your rooms. Choosing darker colors can sometimes make a room feel smaller and more claustrophobic. Walls that are painted in a light-color can make spaces feel more open and inviting.

Following this light bouncing off walls can create the illusion of more space. This is very noticeable with something like a mirror, as it reflects the most possible light. Architectural / accent lighting can work well in these areas by illuminating the walls and creating a more dynamic space.

Unfortunately, light can often be overlooked in the interior design process, but if you start with lighting first, you can create a beautiful space that either relaxes you or boosts your energy. With the right plan of attack, as well as the proper knowledge of interior lighting, your home can quickly take a giant leap forward in its aesthetic appeal.

Lighting really is one of those aspects of an interior design that is commonly left behind. You shouldn’t make this mistake! Your lighting should complement the overall tone of the room, as well as match the design of the entire area. By utilizing a successful and flexible lighting scheme, you would always need to have a mix of decorative and architectural lighting. (Decorative meaning such as a dramatic pendant, interesting wall light or feature lamp which does more than add attractive objects to a room. Where Arcitectural lighting is where artifical light creates visual stimulation e.g. down lights. Uplights LED Strips or floor washers etc.– for example we are always drawn to the brightest point in a room, so we use artificial light to accentuate specific features in the space. )

The wow factor is often achieved with hidden lighting details. Let’s think about a kitchen for instance; you may have downlights above the kitchen island, but adding an LED strip underneath adds layering and an extra bit of drama. It will only provide a low-level brightness, but at night this simple trick will alter the feeling of the space. Another example would be if you have a coffer ceiling ( a group of sunken pannels in various shapes on the ceiling) these ceilings without light will probably be barely noticeable, but by adding an LED strip, you uplight the ceiling. This ceiling glow also makes the whole room feel much brighter by reflecting light back into the space.

Thus to conclude lighting is one of the – if not the most – important components in interior design and should always be carefully considered. The perfect design is all in the planning, knowing what you want your space to look like, and how you want your lights to influence the room and those within it. Correctly lighting up your interiors helps add a touch of elegance, sophistication, and style to your home.

Next blog post will be going into more detail on natural and artificial lighting and what lightings can look best in different rooms throughout your home.

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